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Last testimonials about Karen Dente

"Une nouvelle approche thérapeutique grandement efficace"

By Y

j 'ai contacté Le Dr Karen Dente, suite à des problèmes hormonaux, Thyroïde, œstrogène, progestérone, d'ostéoporose, d'immunité en générale et d'allergie qui me fatiguaient énormément. Grâce à une incroyable batterie de tests, des carences ont été décelées. Le Dr Dente m'a proscrit un traitement spécifique qui m'a remise sur pieds. Un grand merci pour votre aide !

"A great big thank you! "

By K.k

I contacted Dr DENTE because I discovered that I have a fibroma that caused me very heavy menstruation so also anemia. Usually, during my period days I couldn’t get out of the house, I was stuck in bed. After 3 months of treatment with plants and food supplements prescribed by Dr DENTE, I felt much better. And today at 6 months of treatment the abundance has really reduced and I can go out, live normally during my period. I have no iron deficiency. I also did a treatment for my asthma and allergy, and today I almost no longer take my asthma/allergy medication. Really a big thank you for your help and for your follow-up!

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